
Notes of the show<>

Rome, Saturday 18 March 1978. Found in an underpass in Largo Argentina was a commercial-sized orange envelope containing a Polaroid photo, a portrait of a man in shirt sleeves, a flag with a five-pointed star... and press release no. 1 of the Red Brigades. The years of desire and lead, in a danced fragment of republican Italy

Duration 50 minutes


Choreography and direction Luciano Padovani
by and with Luciano Padovani, Roberta Piazza and Andrea Rizzo
Critical view Mauro Zocchetta
Lighting Thomas Heuger
Costumes Lucia Lapolla
A Naturalis Labor Company production
Co-production AbanoDanza Festival 2024
With the support of Mic / Veneto Region / Arco Danza / Municipality of Vicenza


“In this work by the choreographer Luciano Padovani (who, sitting in the background, embodies the now iconic image of the prisoner political leader) you can perceive in the air the tension and drama of a lived story, told and visually framed from an angle different from the usual narration of a remote event, reviewed instead as if through the lens of an objective capable of making material and gestural the most impalpable feelings and torments typical of an era of great impulses and ideological battles. Being able to move and retrace this entire path to backwards, it was a wonderful and exciting experience.”
Pier Luigi Gentile

Technical details<>

Choreography and direction Luciano Padovani
Production 2024
Staff: 3 dancers + 1 technician
Tout public / A creation suitable to be proposed for high schools
Only for stage theatre 
Complete video of the show available on request