Due passi

Notes of the show<>

In an extreme situation we are living, we would like to find a thread of serenity, a way to touch others through our own “nude”, a way to be touched”. ”Due passi” - an excerpt from the full evening “First and Last“. A way to revive the theater, not only the stage….to refill the emptiness, finding back the sensations missed for long time, the emotions, the fantasy, the sharing…

Duration 25 minutes


With and by: Michal Mualem and Giannalberto De Filippis
Music: by Murcof

A Compagnia Naturalis Labor production 
With the support of MIBAC / Regione Veneto / Arco Danza / Comune di Vicenza

Video integrale<>

Technical details<>

With and by: Michal Mualem and Giannalberto de Filippis
Duration: 25 minutes
Production 2020
Staff: 2 dancers
Tout public
Site specific indoor / outdoor